Thursday, March 12, 2009

happy 21 years to my parents!!

before i talk about my day and w/e else i would like to dedicate an entry to them.

i just want to congratulate my parents on thier 21st anniversary.

but that got me thinking March 12th 1988 is when they got married and i was born on January 7th, 1989. that is a little less than 10 months. and scientifically a child is born 9 months after fertilization. educated guess is that they "piped" around this time about 21 years ago.
YES!!!! im learning more about myself.

I dedicate this song to them.
this song became famous prolly around the same time they met.

while looking up the growing pains theme song above i bumped in to a chinese dubbed growing pains that i found funny.
i didnt know that growing pains was big over in china. hahaha

congrats again! i love you,


  1. let me start the hype on ur blog, First, and co sign and lol seriosly this made me laugh the chiense version

  2. i actually understood what they were saying. they were like wtf why did u give him your car? lol
