Tuesday, March 17, 2009

happy 3 and a half years babe.

so today,
besides it being st. patricks day, it is also me and carmens 3.5 years since we been goin out.

i dont really celebrate by the months cuz thats a lil corny but this is a pretty big accomplishment.
i cant believe its been 3.5 years already.

throwback pics

song of the day
also a throwback.
me and carmen were bored sitting in the back of a car coming home from tanger outlets.

love ya
(less than sign three three three)
still farmin,


  1. awwwww. arent u just the cutest little filipino ever! love u babes<3
    oh btw how many voice msgs did i leave n wtf did i say? hahaha

  2. This is cuuuute. I'm stalking your blog, J.P. I would "follow" you on blogger but I don't know how to do that on your site. ANYWAY congrats to you & Carmen, the video is adorable.
