Finally Conan O'Brien is back on the late night scene. Its been over 3 months since his last episode of Late Night on February 20th. I was very lucky to win a raffle to be able to watch the second to the last taping of Late Night with Conan O'Brien. It would of been great if it was the last episode but just getting the opportuinity to watch the show live, i couldnt ask for more. I went with carmen and it was great, the only downfall was that i was still a little sick so i wasnt very lively. if i was, i prolly would of fought for one of the pieces of the set that conan axed off and gave to the audience. The "look a like conan" got a piece of the coffee table and the guy infront got a piece too. I was seen on the last few seconds of the show on T.V. I had my bright red polo hoody on with a navy yankee hat.
now the countdown is on

I cant wait till monday. Tonight, on the last episode of Late Night with Jay Leno, Conan is going to be a guest. even though i wasnt a big Jay Leno fan, i still liked it. he did a great job with the show for the past 17 years. Even though Jay is leaving he will come back to NBC in the fall at 10 pm, before Conan like how it used to be.
this is one of the video he posted on the new site. behind the scenes of his preparation for the new show.
video of the day
this is one of the best skits he has ever done on late night. Conan goes to long island where a few people still play original baseball like it was played in 1864 lol.
cant add the video so heres the link. watch it!!!!!
be sure to watch the first show on monday at 11:35 PM on NBC.
lollerskates u are a conan lover. im pretty sure u would leave me for him any day. but he is def. a funny fella.