Friday, October 29, 2010
Joker = you're corny
I guess you can consider it the Halloween "trend" of 2008. Im not hating, ive seen a couple Jokers that looked like they got pulled straight from the movie but other than that everyone else just butchered the classic villain.
I understand Heath Ledger played an amazing role as the Joker but cmon its 2010 now and as Fergie said it best "Youre so 2000 and late"
We already got enough Jokers in 2008, and then there were even more cornballs in 2009 doing the same thing a year late. Its not only Halloween, its year round. The shirts, movie poster, Joker and "why so serious?" buttons and even facebook profile pictures of the movie poster. hahaha smh.
For this year, the costume, the phrase and clothing should be retired, let it breathe for about a decade and maybe it will be appreciated again.
The only exception would be if the Joker costume was done properly, then followed by friends dressed like the Joker's clowns and driving through the city in a van with a prop grenade launcher. other than lol
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Lincecum cap

Though out the divisional series and league series, i was wondering if pitcher Tim Lincecum was going to change his signature, 3 year old cap to the official World Series patch cap if the Giants advanced to the world series.
I was hoping he would just stick with the cap and forget about the patch.
instead they made an exception for him, they stitched a fresh world series patch onto his old fitted. hahaha...... nice.
on the topic of baseball
Yankees own girardi and mo were featured in the new Taco Bell commercial. I try to avoid fast food as much as possible, but the new XXL chalupa looks tasty, or as Ramona says "taste-tastic"
I might have to try it next time I pass by one.
btw, taco bells in the city tries to rape on prices, when the $2 meal deals were introduced featuring a taco, chips and soda, the city was charging like 4 bucks. wtf!!! lol. w/e
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fun Stress.
So I spent the whole night writing a paper, from midnight til 4:30 am.
Decided to take a short nap to wake up at 7 to get ready for my 9:45 class where my paper was due. I set like 4 alarms and unconsciously woke up and turned off all of them and went back to sleep. My dad then wakes me up at 9:50 and i suddenly get out of bed frustrated lol.
my 9:45 class is my Philippine-American Lit class and my professor hates latenesses and I have a lot of respect for him. whats even worse was yesterday was his book release party at the Philippine Embassy on 5th Ave and after the party, before i left, i shook is hand and told him i was gonna be early to class.
In the end I gave in my paper in the end of the second class he teaches. I gave in my paper and he was cool about it and laughed. Now i have to come early all the time and participate like crazy to make up for my fuck up.
Bumming out routine
While I like being busy with life and mentally stimulated in school, I miss having time to myself and sleeping until my body naturally wakes up. Then i would lay down for another hour or so, stretching and watching tv until I voluntarily get up. After I get up, I would go to youtube and spend 15 minutes making a playlist of music I want to get ready to. Shower and brush my teeth, eat some left over microwaved lasagna for breakfast and get dress. Finally i'm ready to leave to go out and chill.
This all ties in with what I learned in philosophy. Ideally we would want to live a stress free, carefree and pleasureful life but in the end most of us create a more complex life, with challenges and hardships. This makes our life more meaningful and causing and even more pleasurable outcome.
The example given in class was the feeling of climbing mount everest. If we had a choice, most people would rather climb the mountain to get the pleasure of accomplishment rather than taking a pill (hypothetical) that would emit the same exact feeling of pleasure artificially. Even though they provide the same exact feeling of satisfaction and pleasure the struggle of climbing the mountain and the journey enhances it. Sometimes the struggle is more valued than the actual outcome. Like he corny saying, "we all have goals but in the end, it's not about the goal, it's about the beauty of that journey."
It's true though. An example I made was involving autographs. An autograph would have little to no meaning for me if I were to buy it or receive it as a present. If I were to personally get the autograph from the person themselves then I have a story behind the autograph. With just an autograph, it is just meaningless ink on a surface, but if there is an experience behind it then it creates sentimental value.
I'm just ranting right now. I am typing this on the notepad on my phone. I will email this to myself later on the day to post on my blog.
I originally wanted to type a brief, 3 sentence entry on how I miss sleeping and just chilin but yea, I didn't lol.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Giants had a two run lead by the 3rd inning.
In the fifth inning, Phillies scored four runs, instantly putting them in the lead in one inning.
Giants score another run on the bottom of the fifth and score another two runs in the sixth.
With the Giants in the lead 5-4, Phillies tie the game in the eighth.
Then in the final inning, Giants scores a run, winning the game and preventing OT.
ALCS Game 5 - Yankees vs Rangers
Didnt get to watch the Yankee game today since it started early today and I was in class and also since its on cable (TBS). When i got out of class, I stepped into a bar on the way to the train station and saw that the Yankees were in the lead. Finally after facing 2 huge losses (10-3 and 8-0) when i got home i checked the update and saw that they won 7-2.
I also like the fact that Yankees unite New Yorkers. I randomly start conversations with anyone i see on the train with a Yankee cap and talk about how theyre doing or if i was missing a game, as them for an update, etc.
I also stopped wearing my "lucky" cap and wore another yankee cap today. lol
Monday, October 18, 2010
Just got wallet back
originally the plan was that we would meet up at the corner of my block when she calls me around 7 AM, on her way to school but i woke up at like 7:40 with 3 missed calls. the weird thing is that i was having a dream that she was trying to call me but i was knocked out and thats what happen in the real world.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Poconos with California
Me and ling met up with all the "east coasters" and Ann and Deagle at 8. Had some viet around Brooklyn and finally met up with the rest of the cali ppl at 11 due to their connecting flight being delayed at Wisconsin.
Arrived at Lorelie's poconos house at 3 AM after grocery shopping at walmart.
Drinking at 4 am til 6:30. Me and the rest of the survivors went out to the woods to take a walk and somewhat see the sunrise.
Went back in an saw discovered ling throwing up all over the carpet on the 2nd floor chill area.
"Ling dont throw up on the carpet, throw up downstairs on the tile, its easier to clean" haha my drunken rational thinking at 7 in the morning.
7 PM, we dropped ling off at bus station cause he had to leave early back to NY to film a wedding on sunday. Went to the outlets and had an endless shrimp dinner at Red Lobster.
we were gonna leave early to do the Breast Cancer walk but everyone was tired. We left at 2 and went hiking at Bushkill Falls for about 2.5 hours. I think we went hiking at the perfect time because the weather was like 65 degrees and the trees are all changing colors so the forest was filled with dark brown, forest green, burgundy and yellow leaves.
After the hike, we went back to the house, ate and drove back home.
Just got home not too long ago. Had a fun time chillin and making new friends in poconosI cant find my wallet, i think i left it in Tec's car. Hopefully its there and i didnt drop it while i was getting out of the car.
Overall a good weekend for sports.
-Yankees had a great comeback on friday, they were losing and i realized i didnt have my lucky yankee cap on. the moment i put it on Arod hit a two run single getting the yankees up to 4 and -Rangers 5. In the end, Rivera closed out and yankees won 6-5. Lucky Hat prevailed.
-SF giants also won against the phillies.
-NY Jets and Giants also won on sunday football.
Forgot the Yankees played yesterday which caused me to forget to wear my lucky cap and they lost by 5 runs. SF Giants also just lost today by 5 runs.
Random song of the day
haha so at walmart, they just released the sing-along Beauty and The Beast and over the weekend, we just chilled on the couch, singing along while we were hungover lol.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hold You Down
The problem was i didnt know where the beat was from, who produced it or who was featured on it. I knew it wasnt recent but i also knew that it wasnt that old. I narrowed it down to 1999-2005 lol if that helps.
I could hum part of it and somewhat beatbox it. I knew it featured a sample of a short phrase, i knew the sound but forgot what it was actually saying. I tried humming it to a few friends, they had an idea of what i was talking about but didnt know either. I kept getting kanye west as an answer. Or maybe a Dipset song?
It would of been even worse if I forgot the mysterious beat that was stuck in my head so I decided to record my beatboxing on my phone.
I thought maybe its a song on my ipod I havent heard in a while but after hours of listening for a few days, i still havent found it.
Finally, while making my sculpture for art class i randomly decided to look up some tracks by Alchemist. I dont know why but it just came to me. and I FOUND IT!!!!!
im glad i found it and im laughing now but its crazy and frustrating when you think too hard about things, it clutters your mind even more, burying the idea youre trying to get from the archives of your memory even deeper. Then when youre mind is relaxed, it randomly just comes to you. wtf??? lol silly long-term memory.
Anyways the song is hold you down by alchemist from 2004.
here's the instrumental. I like the production more than the actual song. dope beat, lyrics.........ehhhhhhh
Here's the original video
i think this maybe the only time a rap music video was recorded in a Korean BBQ restaurant. hahaha
Monday, October 11, 2010
Madison Square Market

- Hill Country
- Sigmund Pretzelshop
- Safi Coffee
- ilili
- Fatty Crab & ‘Cue
- Cabrito
- Wafels & Dinges
- Breezy Hill Orchard
- Bar Suzette
- Roberta’s Pizza
- Resto
- Piccolo Cafe
- Stuffed Artisan Cannolis
- Almond
- Safi Coffee
- Tanjore Indian Food
- Pies N Thighs
All theses restaurants are featuring a little taste of their menu. Making it convenient for everyone who wants to find a new favorite restaurant, instead of travelling around the city, all these booths are available in one area.
im looking forward to try Roberta's pizza and Pies N Thighs. I been wanting to go to their restaurants but the part of brooklyn they are located in is a little out of the way as i have to take a train to the city and back to brooklyn.
lets go!!!!!!!
only until October 23rd.
Its open 7 days a week from 11 AM to 8 PM.
Song of the day
On the train, on the way home, some guy's headphones were loud enough for me to hear it about 20 feet away. Fortunately it was a Michael Jackson play list. As soon as I stepped into the train, Rock with you was playing and involuntarily got my head bobbing, my foot tapping and me singing aloud.
Winning 10,000 at Atantic City for Columbus day
Me and Carmen, or to be grammatically correct, Carmen and I took the $13 chinese bus at 9:15 AM to Showboat. After we got off, we recieved at $40 gambling ticket voucher.
Played at the slots and won about $15 at first, cashed out and then went to the Dean Martin machine and put in another $5. I was down to a dollar and then Dean hooked it up with $25. haha. cashed out. went to the blackjack table and won about $100.
So in the end i won about 10,000............................................pennies. haha so thats about $100. not bad.
After buying food and travel ticket im still profiting. Holla!!!!!!!
Song of the day
During the end of the summer vacation, for about a week straight, I kept singing Bowie's Space Oddity. I dont know why. Maybe its because one of my coworkers' name is Tom? lol idn. But while singing it, ling didnt know what i was singing and found it mad weird. Then a few weeks ago Lincoln makes a car commercial with a space oddity cover song.
Lincoln commercial, youve prolly seen it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Victory for NY Giants/ SF Giants
The NY Giants just beat the Houston Texans 34-10
And the SF Giants beat the Atlanta Braves 3-2. putting them in the lead 2-1 for the national league division series. One victory away to play the Phllies in the NLCS. Phillies just swept the Reds. hahaha.
Today's Giants vs. Braves was a great game. Giants took an early lead with one run(1-0). Then in the 8th inning, Braves has two runs in, putting them in the lead(1-2). In the top of the 9th inning, Giants tie the game to 2-2 and then score another run due to a embarrasing error in a home game by Brooks Conrad. This put Giants in a 3-2 lead closing out the bottom of the 9th with no runs.
Good job.
also went to alex's house after work to have some dinner with his family for his dad's bday. Had some homemade pupusas and salvadorian hot chocolate. mmmmmm.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
twins, easy sweep for the yanks
Im hoping for either the Braves or Giants to win the NLCS to play the yankees at the world series because im tired to seeing the Phillies in the world series.
Yankees vs. Giants because the Giants rarely get a chance to play at the world series. Unfortunately the only times the Giants actually won a World Series was when they were a New York team in the 50's. haha.
and the 1989 "battle at the bay" world series against neighboring oakland athletics, the giants got swept.
Yankees Vs Braves will bring back nostalgic memories of the late 90's world series that I used to watch in Rainbow Lanes with the family while bowling dollar games. I also used to spend all my quarters there to play marvel vs. capcom.
Yankees vs. Cincinatti I never really cared for the Reds. Ive grown to dislike them even more over the past 3 years as everyone gets a Cincinatti Reds black and red fitted to match their black and red Jordans. classy.............
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Goodbye/ Goodbuy aqua 8's
On a side note, i also spent $90 on my philosophy books on tuesday. so it balances out and i have a little extra to spare.
Selling the aquas also gave me money to buy the rerelease of the laser blue 90's. After about 6 years of patiently waiting and holding back from getting the euro release from a few years ago for about $200, theyre finally coming back out about next week for about $90.

After the lasers, all i need is the Spruce/Hot lime air max 90's to complete my retro air max 90 collection of original vibrant colorways.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Spontaneous unintentional matchmaking at Di Fara's
Anyways I need to treat myself. Due to the abundance of the millions of fast food monopolies and their deals, food trucks and processed food, I always found it difficult to eat healthy on a budget and at the same time taste good. Lately I been buying a bag of baby carrots ($1.25) two banana's ($0.25) each and diced pineapple, cantaloupe watermelon and honey dew in a bowl ($2.00) All that for $3.75, a lot cheaper than a $5.00 gyro from the greek truck and also a lot healthier and just as filling.
back to the di fara's story
So i get there at 5:45, first one on line, as usual, for the 6:00 reopening for dinner service. Today i decided to just go solo and get a pepperoni square slice. $6.00 may seem a lot for a pepperoni slice but if you never had di fara's then you just dont understand.
while online, im always meeting people from all over the world, regulars and newcomers, sharing stories to kill time while we wait for pizza.
I called ling and he happend to be on the way home and i told him to get off Avenue J to share a pie with me so I didnt have to wait for a slice which usually takes longer. (they usually sell pies first to serve more customers then just one slice serving one customer)
Later on i met this girl standing on line behind me and she talked about how it was her second time and the first time was amazing. She told me she only wanted two slices and told her to collaborate with me for a portion of the pie. Then i started talking about how i usually gather a few of the "slice buyers" and we all just chip in to get a pie to save time and also save money.
Pepperoni Square slice = $6.00
Square Pepperoni pie (8 slices)= $33.00 about $4.00 a slice.
After talked about collaborating, some random guy, also going solo decided to ask if he can join. This made things better cuz now 4 people can split a 8 slice pie evenly.
While waiting for the pizza, the guy and girl that joined us on the pie started talking and getting to know each other. I looked at ling, optimistically thinking that I unintentionally created a couple. They were both white, from out of town and moved to NYC a few months ago, in their mid 20's. They started talking about cheesy things like favorite movie and etc.
After 15 minutes, we get our pie and sit down. The girl said shes just gonna eat it at home and grabs a pizza box, gets her share, says goodbye and was out. Dayumn, they didnt work out.
In my mind i was thinking of how great it would of been if they exchanged numbers, dated and eventually getting married all because of me and Di Fara's pizza. That would of been one great "how we met" story, all thanks to J.P.
Video of the day
I been slackin of my video and song of the day segments, as if it matters but yeah. Here's todays. I found this a couple months ago and its one of the only di fara's youtube video i like.
The mechanical bull
There was no line so I decided to ride it about 5 more times.
I still dont understand how to stay on.
I tired holding on with both hands. didnt work. i tired the one hand grip, being limber and just flow with the bull. didnt work either. the longest i lastest was about 10 seconds max.
then again, i would like to blame the bootleg mechanical bull we had. i couldnt have an underarm grip and the whole thing was made up of a slippery and hard plastic. (pause)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Vagisil Feminine Wash

- Doesn't just clean away odor, it keeps it from happening.
- Safe and gentle enough to use everyday.
- Hypoallergenic.
- Light and clean scent.
- It's the confident clean.
mini poem
so if your weewho is gross,
this is what you need most.
and if you stink in between,
then you need to wash and clean............ With Vagisil