- Hill Country
- Sigmund Pretzelshop
- Safi Coffee
- ilili
- Fatty Crab & ‘Cue
- Cabrito
- Wafels & Dinges
- Breezy Hill Orchard
- Bar Suzette
- Roberta’s Pizza
- Resto
- Piccolo Cafe
- Stuffed Artisan Cannolis
- Almond
- Safi Coffee
- Tanjore Indian Food
- Pies N Thighs
All theses restaurants are featuring a little taste of their menu. Making it convenient for everyone who wants to find a new favorite restaurant, instead of travelling around the city, all these booths are available in one area.
im looking forward to try Roberta's pizza and Pies N Thighs. I been wanting to go to their restaurants but the part of brooklyn they are located in is a little out of the way as i have to take a train to the city and back to brooklyn.
lets go!!!!!!!
only until October 23rd.
Its open 7 days a week from 11 AM to 8 PM.
Song of the day
On the train, on the way home, some guy's headphones were loud enough for me to hear it about 20 feet away. Fortunately it was a Michael Jackson play list. As soon as I stepped into the train, Rock with you was playing and involuntarily got my head bobbing, my foot tapping and me singing aloud.
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