Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fun Stress.

So I spent the whole night writing a paper, from midnight til 4:30 am.
Decided to take a short nap to wake up at 7 to get ready for my 9:45 class where my paper was due. I set like 4 alarms and unconsciously woke up and turned off all of them and went back to sleep. My dad then wakes me up at 9:50 and i suddenly get out of bed frustrated lol.

my 9:45 class is my Philippine-American Lit class and my professor hates latenesses and I have a lot of respect for him. whats even worse was yesterday was his book release party at the Philippine Embassy on 5th Ave and after the party, before i left, i shook is hand and told him i was gonna be early to class.

In the end I gave in my paper in the end of the second class he teaches. I gave in my paper and he was cool about it and laughed. Now i have to come early all the time and participate like crazy to make up for my fuck up.

Bumming out routine
While I like being busy with life and mentally stimulated in school, I miss having time to myself and sleeping until my body naturally wakes up. Then i would lay down for another hour or so, stretching and watching tv until I voluntarily get up. After I get up, I would go to youtube and spend 15 minutes making a playlist of music I want to get ready to. Shower and brush my teeth, eat some left over microwaved lasagna for breakfast and get dress. Finally i'm ready to leave to go out and chill.

This all ties in with what I learned in philosophy. Ideally we would want to live a stress free, carefree and pleasureful life but in the end most of us create a more complex life, with challenges and hardships. This makes our life more meaningful and causing and even more pleasurable outcome.

The example given in class was the feeling of climbing mount everest. If we had a choice, most people would rather climb the mountain to get the pleasure of accomplishment rather than taking a pill (hypothetical) that would emit the same exact feeling of pleasure artificially. Even though they provide the same exact feeling of satisfaction and pleasure the struggle of climbing the mountain and the journey enhances it. Sometimes the struggle is more valued than the actual outcome. Like he corny saying, "we all have goals but in the end, it's not about the goal, it's about the beauty of that journey."

It's true though. An example I made was involving autographs. An autograph would have little to no meaning for me if I were to buy it or receive it as a present. If I were to personally get the autograph from the person themselves then I have a story behind the autograph. With just an autograph, it is just meaningless ink on a surface, but if there is an experience behind it then it creates sentimental value.

I'm just ranting right now. I am typing this on the notepad on my phone. I will email this to myself later on the day to post on my blog.

I originally wanted to type a brief, 3 sentence entry on how I miss sleeping and just chilin but yea, I didn't lol.


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